If I asked you to close you eyes and picture an older adult, what do you see? Commonly we imagine someone who requires a walking aid, who has lost a lot of muscle, they may be stooped forward, looking frail and overall is moving with some difficulty. With images like this in our minds, even if we don't see this as our future, allow us to unconsciously accept changes in our bodies as inevitable. How often have your heard "Well, you're getting older." or something similar. I'm here to say that it does not have to be that way. While we can't stop or even slow ourselves from ageing, we can impact how we age. Just because the number of years you have been on this earth continues to increase, doesn’t mean you need to lose your function and fitness. Yes things will change, so does life. The trick is to adapt with the change. Did you know that fitness is defined as: Ones ability to perform their daily tasks or ADLs (activities of daily living). Our ADLs change throughout our lives. As a child you are learning to move, stand and walk. When you are a teenager your ADLs may involve playing different sports, running around and playing with friends. As we get older this continues to change, perhaps your day requires the ability to sit and concentrate for several hours at a time, or to run around with kids or even grand kids. Not to mention all the tasks involved in running a house; cooking, cleaning, gardening and self care. All of these requirements change throughout our lives along with your fitness. Remember your fitness is your ability to complete your ADLs. While our body does go through many changes as we age, our daily requirements also change and therefore our fitness requirements. Take a moment and consider how your requirements have changed over the years and how they will continue to change? Acknowledging this change can help us to focus in on the areas of our fitness that need some attention. The truth is that many of us don't give a lot of thought to the requirements of our fitness until we suddenly find something has become harder. Then we tell ourselves things like, that is the price of getting older. Well I am here to tell you it wasn't a sudden change but something that has been coming for some time and could likely have been avoided by keeping fitter. The great news is it is never too late to improve your fitness! The exercise and physicals activity guidelines were designed for this very purpose, to help Australians maintain their fitness. They will help you to maintain and improve your strength, endurance, and overall function. When you are ready to delve a little deeper, working with an Exercise Physiologist (EP) will help you progress even further, faster. Exercise allows us to get strong, stay strong to keep doing the things you want to do along with the things we just need to do, like getting out of bed. An EP can help tailor the exercise around your personal needs as they grow and change. Choosing targeted exercises to suit you. I like to think that age is not a burden I need to carry, but a privilege not afforded to everyone. Every time I exercise I am investing in my future health and fitness. Helping me to move easier tomorrow. Invest in yourself, you're worth the effort. More posts from Live Strong and Prosper All
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AuthorSimply Stronger - here to make exercise simple. Understanding why you should exercise is a giant step towards wanting to exercise. Archives
April 2024