Covid Safe Plan
Simply Stronger Exercise Physiology Pty Ltd
Completed by Sara Woodroffe
Reviewed 18th Oct 2020
1. Ensure Physical Distancing·
When staff are seeing clients face to face this will be completed at a ratio of 1:1. This will ensure there is ample space to allow 1.5m minimum between people within the building.
Staff are advised to avoid contact and maintain a distance of 1.5m from clients wherever possible, while maintaining safety. ·
All sessions will be reduced to 55min to allow for one client to leave before the next client attends the clinic.
2. Face coverings·
Face masks must be worn by all staff and clients attending the clinic. Exemptions may be made based on health status and medical advice.·
Face shields will not be permitted in lei of a face mask.·
Reusable masks will be permitted for both staff and clients of Simply Stronger, advice on daily washing of masks is provided to all staff and clients.· Disposable face masks will be provided for anyone unable to provide their own face mask.
3. Practice good hygiene·
Hand sanitizer is provided at the entry of Simply Stronger along with several other areas. Use of sanitizer is required to enter the premises.·
Wiping down of all equipment before and after individual use.·
Wiping down of communal surfaces such as door handles, light switches is completed at least once per shift, however this will increase as client load increases.
4. Record keeping·
All staff are requested to stay home if any symptoms present themselves. If they are well enough to continue telehealth sessions they may do so, but no face to face sessions until symptoms abate and covid test returns a negative result.·
All clients are requested to stay at home if any symptoms present themselves. Additionally, any client that has a family member with symptoms or is awaiting a covid test result is also asked to remain home. Telehealth services will be offered to anyone unable to attend the clinic.·
If a staff member or a client that has attended the clinic returns a covid positive test result Sara Woodroffe will notify Worksafe or the incident immediately.
Any staff or clients that have the potential to have been in contact with the positive case or the clinic during the time period the positive case was in attendance will be notified and encouraged to stay home and get tested in symptoms present themselves.
An assessment of areas impacted by the positive case will be conducted and a deep clean will be completed before anyone else is able to attend the clinic.
5. Actions taken to avoid interactions in enclosed spaces·
Simply Stronger operates in large building ensuring that while client loads remain low we are able to maintain ample physical distancing while inside. Doors and windows can be opened throughout sessions allowing for increase air flow.·
Fan can be used throughout the clinic to also increase air flow.
6. Create workforce bubbles·
Staff will work in seperate areas within the clinic if their shifts overlap.
All hygiene protocols, use of face masks and physical distancing must be adhered to when an overlap occurs
Simply Stronger Exercise Physiology Pty Ltd
Completed by Sara Woodroffe
Reviewed 18th Oct 2020
1. Ensure Physical Distancing·
When staff are seeing clients face to face this will be completed at a ratio of 1:1. This will ensure there is ample space to allow 1.5m minimum between people within the building.
Staff are advised to avoid contact and maintain a distance of 1.5m from clients wherever possible, while maintaining safety. ·
All sessions will be reduced to 55min to allow for one client to leave before the next client attends the clinic.
2. Face coverings·
Face masks must be worn by all staff and clients attending the clinic. Exemptions may be made based on health status and medical advice.·
Face shields will not be permitted in lei of a face mask.·
Reusable masks will be permitted for both staff and clients of Simply Stronger, advice on daily washing of masks is provided to all staff and clients.· Disposable face masks will be provided for anyone unable to provide their own face mask.
3. Practice good hygiene·
Hand sanitizer is provided at the entry of Simply Stronger along with several other areas. Use of sanitizer is required to enter the premises.·
Wiping down of all equipment before and after individual use.·
Wiping down of communal surfaces such as door handles, light switches is completed at least once per shift, however this will increase as client load increases.
4. Record keeping·
All staff are requested to stay home if any symptoms present themselves. If they are well enough to continue telehealth sessions they may do so, but no face to face sessions until symptoms abate and covid test returns a negative result.·
All clients are requested to stay at home if any symptoms present themselves. Additionally, any client that has a family member with symptoms or is awaiting a covid test result is also asked to remain home. Telehealth services will be offered to anyone unable to attend the clinic.·
If a staff member or a client that has attended the clinic returns a covid positive test result Sara Woodroffe will notify Worksafe or the incident immediately.
Any staff or clients that have the potential to have been in contact with the positive case or the clinic during the time period the positive case was in attendance will be notified and encouraged to stay home and get tested in symptoms present themselves.
An assessment of areas impacted by the positive case will be conducted and a deep clean will be completed before anyone else is able to attend the clinic.
5. Actions taken to avoid interactions in enclosed spaces·
Simply Stronger operates in large building ensuring that while client loads remain low we are able to maintain ample physical distancing while inside. Doors and windows can be opened throughout sessions allowing for increase air flow.·
Fan can be used throughout the clinic to also increase air flow.
6. Create workforce bubbles·
Staff will work in seperate areas within the clinic if their shifts overlap.
All hygiene protocols, use of face masks and physical distancing must be adhered to when an overlap occurs